Tough Situation, What do I do?


Well-Known Member
So I was playing recntly and I saw a very nice opportunity to track some aces. Unfortunatly with these aces came a lot of low cards. So this is the dilema I faced, with only 3 decks left I had a RC of +17 ( Zen) however 16 out of the 24 aces were gone (9 aces went in the first two rounds, that was one of my better cuts).

Now normally I would have a +5 TC ( floored) and have a 10 unit bet out. because I have roughly a 1.25% advantage at a TC of +5. However I knew that very few aces were left. Since the Ace is the most important card in the deck when it comes to betting correlation I figured my advantage was much less than 1.25% so I only put a 4 unit bet out.

Did I make the right play?

(Also flash I understood your explanation of the SC aces but I forgot if you were talking about HiOpt or if you were talking about Zen. If you can clarify this that would be excellent, thanks)


Well-Known Member
1357111317 said:
Now normally I would have a +5 TC ( floored) and have a 10 unit bet out. because I have roughly a 1.25% advantage at a TC of +5. However I knew that very few aces were left. Since the Ace is the most important card in the deck when it comes to betting correlation I figured my advantage was much less than 1.25% so I only put a 4 unit bet out.

Did I make the right play?
from what (little) i know, the answer is no. you should have still been betting your 10 unit bet. ZEN keeps track of aces. Your RC is already keeping this in mind. notice too that in the tags it puts a higher price on 10s, not As. without a specific side count and BC tables for that side count, you probably were making a minor/semi-costly mistake. I use UBZ and have had the same conundrum at got the same answer here from people smarter than me on the issue.


Well-Known Member

1357111317 said:
So I was playing recntly and I saw a very nice opportunity to track some aces. Unfortunatly with these aces came a lot of low cards. So this is the dilema I faced, with only 3 decks left I had a RC of +17 ( Zen) however 16 out of the 24 aces were gone (9 aces went in the first two rounds, that was one of my better cuts).

Now normally I would have a +5 TC ( floored) and have a 10 unit bet out. because I have roughly a 1.25% advantage at a TC of +5. However I knew that very few aces were left. Since the Ace is the most important card in the deck when it comes to betting correlation I figured my advantage was much less than 1.25% so I only put a 4 unit bet out.

Did I make the right play?

(Also flash I understood your explanation of the SC aces but I forgot if you were talking about HiOpt or if you were talking about Zen. If you can clarify this that would be excellent, thanks)
Assuming 6 decks S17, DAS, split to 4 hands, no resplit aces -

This approximates the situation. EV is computed using full shoe basic strategy - probably would increase a bit with index plays.
balanced zen (1,1,2,2,2,1,0,0,-2,-1) 2 through ace

6 decks S17, NDAS, one split only allowed - basic strategy EV was ~+.35%



Well-Known Member
k_c said:
Assuming 6 decks S17, DAS, split to 4 hands, no resplit aces -

This approximates the situation. EV is computed using full shoe basic strategy - probably would increase a bit with index plays.
balanced zen (1,1,2,2,2,1,0,0,-2,-1) 2 through ace

6 decks S17, NDAS, one split only allowed - basic strategy EV was ~+.35%
I was kinda thinking it would be around +13(rc) since he had 4 xtra aces above normal distribution, and since Zen tags the ace @-1, you would subtract 1 for every xtra ace, but i'll take your word for it :)


Well-Known Member
jack said:
I was kinda thinking it would be around +13(rc) since he had 4 xtra aces above normal distribution, and since Zen tags the ace @-1, you would subtract 1 for every xtra ace, but i'll take your word for it :)
No, there are fewer aces present than normal for a +5 TC as 16 out of 24 aces have been removed which is what he asked about. It looks as if his decision to bet less based on this info was right.