Reading indices


Well-Known Member
To read indices correctly, you deviate from BS when the number displayed is when the count reaches that number and (higher or lower?). Deviate is if BS says hit then stand if it says stand, double, or split then hit instead? for example 11 v. something BS says double with more than dealer and the index says 0 for 2 deck 11 v. A. So does that mean at a true count of 0 and higher or lower that i hit or double?
an index number is the true count above which you will stand instead of hit, you will double instead of hit, you will surrender instead of anything else, and you will split instead of anything else*.

*a couple of exceptions may apply to spilts

you will double 11vA when TC > 0
In the 11 v A example, yes, TC of 0 or more = Double, while TC < 0 = Hit

So another example from the I18.. 12 v 2 has an index of 3, normally its a hit, but if the TC is 3 or above, you deviate and make the next logical choice..stand.

And for the negative indices, its the same, when the TC reaches or exceeds that number then you deviate. -3 EXCEEDS -2