Badbeat jackpot now at $550,000


Well-Known Member
At the HET properties for those of you who consider poker as part of their arsenal. I very nearly dished out a bad beat as all I needed was for them to turn their set into quads on the river. The thing I like the best about it is that even if you're not the winner or loser of the hand, you'll get paid just for being in any of the HET poker rooms.


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
The thing I like the best about it is that even if you're not the winner or loser of the hand, you'll get paid just for being in any of the HET poker rooms.
Really? So if I'm playing poker at Showboat, and the bad beat occurs in Chester, or even at a LV property, I get a piece? Wasn't aware of that.

I was playing 2/4 LHE at a native casino a couple years back when the bad beat jackpot was hit at the 7CS table next to me. Everyone at that table got a piece, but not everyone in the room. Ah well, different properties, different rules.



Well-Known Member
I think it only applies to the AC properties. It used to be that only the players at the table got a piece and that's how it normally is but they modified that rule recently to get more players playing I guess.
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