PA casinos' report card

Dirty, Dirty Money

Automatic Monkey said:
I've found them crowded at all times, even when the casino is nearly empty. As is the norm now, they rush over to shut down any table that isn't completely full.
These casinos must not like money. Every table should have at least one spot open. That is how they will maximize their revenue. When a player walks in the door you don't want any friction or delay for someone to place a bet.

good cards


Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
These casinos must not like money. Every table should have at least one spot open. That is how they will maximize their revenue. When a player walks in the door you don't want any friction or delay for someone to place a bet.

good cards
I wish that was the case everywhere. Sadly, the opposite is all-too commonly true.

Seems like most casino managements are so ignorant of the basic principles of business that they would rather keep their overhead low and make people wait for a table than to pay a few extra dealers the pittance they make and keep enough tables open to satisfy everyone wanting to play.
King for a Day

If I was a casino manager and I saw full tables I may be looking to fire someone. I would set up temp tables in corners and have part time staff for the weekend/evening rush. If you have one player on 1 table that table still makes money.

If a casino has players standing around, they will learn to not come at those times and perhaps those are the only times they can play. Also, they may just go to another casino or event with their amusement dollars.

The casino already has sunk? costs in the building, tables, electricity etc. They need to maximize the revenue generated. Their costs are higher then just the dealer.

If they truly lack staff and room, then raise limits until there is an empty spot at each table.

good cards
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Well-Known Member
Tarzan said:
So far I had read that PA BJ games have 66% CSM's and the rest are ASM's... are there any hand-shuffled games? I need to read into this further and find out more before I say too much. I haven't been to any of the PA casinos yet but I'm already questioning people saying they are better than AC if they have no hand-shuffled games. Do you mean they have better games at lower stakes/minimums?

Something Aslan wrote about playing a red chip game. Red chip low stakes games are generally unplayable (by me anyway). Playing lower stakes against 8 decks instead of 6, H17 instead of S17 and an autoshuffler instead of a hand-shuffled game is just no way to go and makes for an insurrmountable HA obstacle. Maybe it's time to up the bankroll to facilitate playing green and black chip games where you can have better rules and conditions?
All games are S17 and late surrender. I found a mix of 6 and 8 deck, but 6 deck is more common in $25 and up. They are pretty well split between CSMs and ASMs wherever I went, but I didn't see any CSMs in higher $ games.


Well-Known Member
HL rooms are 6 deck hand shuffle, LS, S17...very beatable, but pen varies - like everywhere else - have slotted trays, but not all use them...scout around


Well-Known Member
Sharky said:
HL rooms are 6 deck hand shuffle, LS, S17...very beatable, but pen varies - like everywhere else - have slotted trays, but not all use them...scout around
What are the $mins in the HL rooms?


Well-Known Member
yes, $50 early (even weekends) - but all are not open early mornings, even on w/e which both surprised and disappointed me - $50 weekday nights (occasionally $100 thurs), and Fri & Sat nights all $100 - Sun $50 always.

of course, 'all' and 'always' mean mostly :laugh: