BS & Casino Edge


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know basic stategy and the casino edge for this game:-

6 Decks
BJ pays 2:3
Double down on hard 9, 10, 11 only
Can split any pair other than 4's, 5's & 10's
1 card only after spliting A's
no limit on amount of resplits (including A's)
Double after Split (hard 9, 10 & 11 only)
No surrender
No dealer hole card

I think these are old style UK rules, but I played at a large casino still using them last night.

Many thanks


Well-Known Member
The Basic Strategy Engine gives a house edge of .64%. I don't think that includes resplitting aces which will reduce it by about .07%. I would imagine the restriction about splitting fours (you wouldn't split fives or tens with BS) might make up for that so 0.64% is probably pretty close.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
The Basic Strategy Engine gives a house edge of .64%. I don't think that includes resplitting aces which will reduce it by about .07%. I would imagine the restriction about splitting fours (you wouldn't split fives or tens with BS) might make up for that so 0.64% is probably pretty close.

Thanks for the input Sonny. I had already looked at the stategy engine but how do you work out the additional house edge estimates on small variations of rules?