
Are there any opporunities in the UK for wonging? The travel from casino to casino seems too much and any casino I've been to has about 2 - 4 tables (usually packed).

Is it possible?


Well-Known Member
Two options I think - neither are great.

First - accept that opportunities to do the "wonging in" thing aren't available during the evenings, and develop your game around playing all with a larger spread and/or lower risk.

Second - play at times when tables probably won't be packed (2.00-5.00pm slots on weekdays), but run the risk of sticking out like a pair of bulldogs if you're in and out of a game like a sailor in a tart's parlour. I think the thing here is to come up with a 101 reasons why you're being interupted and need to leave the table:

Got to make a call.
Am suppose to be at work and someone there who's on holiday has just walked in.
One of my wife's friends has just turned up.
Need the loo.
Need to nip out to feed a meter.
Need to get another drink from the bar.
The person I'm suppose to be meeting is late.

yada . . . yada . . . yada.

When you've hit 101 (or more) please publish them here so everyone can use them!

I think it's inevitable though that eventually you will get sussed, unless you play in lots of places and alternate venues. Unfortunately that option isn't available to me.

I wish you many +1s
