Spanish 21 rules: FW/Mohegan?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know the precise rule set they use, and is it uniform throughout? (i.e. MGM, different areas)

I'm pretty sure both are S17, DAS, but I'm unclear on:

- Redoubling?
- Hit multiple cards on split aces?
- Double on split aces?
(I believe this is OK at FW, but not at Mohegan)

The games are S17, and no S17 SP21 games have redoubling.

At Mohegan split aces are treated at SP21 like they are in regular BJ: no resplits and no draws. That hurts the player significantly, but the game is still playable.

Foxwoods deals the game with the proper rules.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. This might be fun to try sometime. At least with no redoubling there's slightly less BS to learn. :)
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Automatic, I have played Spanish 21 at Mohegan and been allowed to resplit aces. In fact, it was a three-way split and I pulled a face card on each hand. Playing basic strategy brings a lot of flak because most people play it like blackjack. It can be very frustrating (dirty looks or worse) incurring the wrath of the table when playing the correct way.