DAS Questions


Well-Known Member
In Vegas, on the Strip, which is more commonly found - DAS allowed, or not allowed? In particular, I know I'll be playing at the Sahara, but will visit others on the strip.

I know the BS is different depending on whether Double After Split is allowed.
I also know there are only a few changes. The ones I see involve splitting
2/2 against dealer's 2 or 3
3/3 against dealer's 2 or 3
4/4 against dealer's 5 or 6
6/6 against dealer's 2

I know one should use the correct BS for the rules you're playing, but, if I only memorized one set, which one would be the better one?

For math wizards/statistics lovers only:
Let's say DAS was allowed, but I was using BS for DAS NOT Allowed. How much advantage would I be giving the casino by playing these few situations incorrectly?
Since I don't get to play in a casino often, it makes it harder to memorize BS, especially if I don't know what the rules will be. If I knew the rules, I could focus on BS chart for those rules.

Thanks for any input.