third base player change bs to make the dealer burst ?


Well-Known Member
is there possible the last seat player can change the bs in order to make the dealer burst at larger chance

for example the last one play in minium bet size

and the previous ones bet larger , for sacrifrice :confused:


Well-Known Member
If you know what the dealer's hole card is and what the next card in the shoe is, yes. Otherwise, no.


Mr. T

Well-Known Member
Sonny is exactly right

I once played on a table with a woman who always park herself in third base.
When I joined the table she was in the midst of scoulding another woman in first base for not knowing how to play BJ.
I tried to calm her down and said just let everybody play their own game.
She shot back at me and said "Excuse me the name of the game is not for everybody to play their own game. THE NAME OF THE GAME IS TO BUST THE DEALER "
Later I realise she have never heard of BS at all.


Well-Known Member
Mr. T said:
I once played on a table with a woman who always park herself in third base.
When I joined the table she was in the midst of scoulding another woman in first base for not knowing how to play BJ.
I tried to calm her down and said just let everybody play their own game.
She shot back at me and said "Excuse me the name of the game is not for everybody to play their own game. THE NAME OF THE GAME IS TO BUST THE DEALER "
Later I realise she have never heard of BS at all.
yes , majority of player think its how to guess hit or stand to burst dealer

and the dealer should always burst