Opposition betting question


Well-Known Member
Was reading the other night and there was a section on opposition betting. While I understand the concept and the process, how does it work without killing your EV? Wouldn't it also increase your RoR, as you are beting more than usual in negative/neutral counts (or would you use it only in neutral counts)? Can it be used along with wonging, or is it more for use when wonging is not an option, such as SD/DD. Just curious.



Well-Known Member
Used for cover, if that is a concern to you. Depending on type of betting pattern you use, it can definitely be a roller coaster ride as far as your br goes.


Well-Known Member
The best defense with wonging is to wong out. If you're not betting, they'll have a harder time clocking your play.

As for the "cost" of opposition betting, if you're doing it in neutral counts, the cost is roughly the house edge (probably the usual 0.5%) times your average bet. Just try to figure out where your average bet would be, and compare it to what your normal min bet would be.

I don't have a formalized plan for opposition betting, but I only "play around" with my small bets when playing a game where I'm not wonging and using an otherwise large spread. If my spread is fairly constrained anyway (bankroll, table mins or maxes) then I'm more likely to play like a robot.