Zen v. Hi-Lo Count


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys -

Sorry if there's already a thread on this...but I'm debating upgrading from Hi-Lo to a Zen count and am wondering if it's worth the trouble. I play almost exclusively 6 deck games. Does anyone have the math on what kind of increase on EV you get by going to Zen? Also, do the swings and ROR get higher or lower with the Zen count? I'm debating buying Snyder's Blackbelt in BJ book...is there a better one available or is this a good one to learn the ins and outs of the Zen count with.

Any help is appreciated!!! Thanks!


Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
According to BBinBJ Zen will increase your EV by 0.1% in shoe games. There are many things to consider such as training time, error rate, length of play, and the compounding effect of your advantage that have all been debated on this forum. I am of the opinion it is not worth switching but ultimately you'll have to gather your own information and decide for yourself.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what games you play. Get blackjack attack and it will tell you which counts are best for different playing conditions.

Overall, counting systems don't matter that much.


Well-Known Member
go for the gold

0.1% is absolute increase in EV - if a "good" standard card counter gets a 1% edge overall, he can increase his wins by 10% not including the effect of compounding. if you play anything more than a few times a year and if you can nail a new count quickly without wasting more than a month or two training (and zen is fairly "easy"), then i would say it is absolutely worth it. youre already spending all the time in the casino, why not increase your expected win by 10% or more?