Casino Arizona vs. Fort McDowell

Casino Arizona

No, Casino Arizona does not use all CSM's at their low limit tables but they have quite a few CSM's on their tables in general. Dealers do not manually shuffle at all there and use ASM's throughout anywhere there is no CSM in use. They have a few other quirky rules such as hoisting up the minimum bet for playing multiple hands. My next trip out that way I plan on visiting a few of the other casinos and let you all know what I think of them and what I see. On my last trip out Casino Arizona was the only one I played at before going on to Vegas.

When playing there, I was shocked to see how many people were willing to play against the CSM's. I want to start a casino there with whacky extra house advantage and additional little "grind 'em where we can rules"! Yeeehawww! Who wants to go in with me on this? We'll make a big tent someplace and GO for it!!!
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