running count and true count


Well-Known Member
true count is equal to the running count divided by the number of decks remaining to be dealt.

e.g. running count after 1 deck is dealt - assume that there 20 pictures (-20), 15 small cards (+15) and 17 neutral cards (0).

the running count is -20+15+0 = -5

There are three decks remaining to be dealt.
thus true count = -5/3 = -1.67


Well-Known Member
With a balanced count..

The running count is an ongoing count that is kept and used to calculate the True Count. It is calculated by physically counting the cards as they are played, according to the tag numbers for each card, of the system being used.

The True Count provides information on the composition of the deck(s) and is calculated by dividing the RC by the amount of unseen cards/decks.

A TC of +4 means there are 4 additional cards per deck which are favorable to the player, so therefore the player will have an advantage over the house and should bet in accordance

A RC of +4 means there have been 4 extra unfavorable cards seen, which equates to diddly-squat without a TC conversion. (unless using an unbalanced count).