MP Blackjack


Well-Known Member
Call me a skeptic but I'd be very surprised if MP blackjack has anything "new" to offer. Sounds like re-packaging to me. The author even suggests that when he says he incorporated ideas from other systems he had studied. It should be noted that he is selling, roulette, craps and baccarat systems as well. If this genius has a way to beat every game the casino offers, he wouldn't need to be in the marketing business. Just one man's opinion.


Well-Known Member
Same old song and dance

Sounds like a typical scam to me. Either that or the seller doesn’t know very much about BJ. Most likely it is both. Here are some telltale signs from the website:

“About eight years ago I developed my own blackjack system by incorporating some of the best ideas from the many systems which I had studied… About 4 years ago, I made another improvement on the system and I honestly believe it is better than ever. I played dozens of sessions and the system performed like a champ with even less volatility.”

“Eventually after thousands of hands of testing, I was convinced I had a very effective method.”

“In fact, I actually had a streak of 40 winning sessions in a row once. Of course when I did lose I guess statistics kind of corrected themselves and I lost 3 out of the next 4 sessions but by this time I was so far ahead that it didn't matter.”

“That is why I always highly recommend that a player who is serious about making money playing blackjack stick with single and double deck pitch games. You will seldom find true professional players playing anything else but single or double deck games.”

“If you like my MP Blackjack system I'm sure you'll like my other systems that I have developed and played professionally…

3 Separate Winning Baccarat Systems
Professional Craps
System 6+ Roulette”

Sounds like the same old progression systems to me. :rolleyes:
