Seminole tribe must be going bankrupt; all tables changing to H17 except HL


Well-Known Member
That's what no competition does for you. As if they aren't making enogh already, the Seminoles have to pour salt into our wounds. They originally said they would offer fair bj rules and granted they were good but 8 decks? Come on.

All three places, Hollywood, Immokalee and Tampa will soon be all H17 except in HL room and they changed to no mid-shoe in the HL rooms! What's this world coming to? We never should have pissed them off 200 years ago and taken all their swamp land!

HockeXpert said:
That's what no competition does for you. As if they aren't making enogh already, the Seminoles have to pour salt into our wounds. They originally said they would offer fair bj rules and granted they were good but 8 decks? Come on.

All three places, Hollywood, Immokalee and Tampa will soon be all H17 except in HL room and they changed to no mid-shoe in the HL rooms! What's this world coming to? We never should have pissed them off 200 years ago and taken all their swamp land!
Greed, figure they need the extra income at the table. The truth is most will play no matter what. Some may even think it is better for the player.

You NEED competition, the state should see to that.

Just say no, do not play their game.



Well-Known Member
HockeXpert said:
That's what no competition does for you. As if they aren't making enogh already, the Seminoles have to pour salt into our wounds. They originally said they would offer fair bj rules and granted they were good but 8 decks? Come on.

All three places, Hollywood, Immokalee and Tampa will soon be all H17 except in HL room and they changed to no mid-shoe in the HL rooms! What's this world coming to? We never should have pissed them off 200 years ago and taken all their swamp land!
If they are going bankrupt why would they change HL to NME? That is just going to lose them money in the long run is it not? It gives people less chance to wager money at a disadvantage?

1357111317 said:
If they are going bankrupt why would they change HL to NME? That is just going to lose them money in the long run is it not? It gives people less chance to wager money at a disadvantage?
That was the point Mike Aponte was trying to make to Native casinos and others, offer great games and you will make far more money.


Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
1357111317 said:
If they are going bankrupt why would they change HL to NME? That is just going to lose them money in the long run is it not? It gives people less chance to wager money at a disadvantage?
And why wouldn't they also offer better pen than the usual 75%? Ignorance about the true effect of card counters vs. good conditions. CP, you'd shudder to see people play in this place. I've seen people throwing down large amounts of money on the $25 CSM games. A total joke.

For a while, a deal was on the table that would allow the Seminole tribe to expand gambling in their casinos (roulette, craps), while also giving pari-mutuels the ability to offer banked card games, which would certainly be great competition for Hard Rock. Unfortunately, the deal as it stands doesn't really change anything and still gives the Seminoles exclusive rights to blackjack in the state of Florida. As it is, Hard Rock is a fun place to hang out and have some drinks, but an absurdly awful place for AP, especially now that the HL room is NME and the 8D are H17. Hey, I guess they can get away with whatever they want, with the nearest land-based casinos being in Mississippi...


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
offer great games and you will make far more money.
Agreed entirely. Bad rules and (especially) restrictive counter-counter-measures usually cost so much that there is no economic reason to use them, except perhaps at high-roller tables.

On the other hand, good games generate consumer loyalty. Which means they bring their friends and your patronage grows.


Well-Known Member
StudiodeKadent said:
Agreed entirely. Bad rules and (especially) restrictive counter-counter-measures usually cost so much that there is no economic reason to use them, except perhaps at high-roller tables.

On the other hand, good games generate consumer loyalty. Which means they bring their friends and your patronage grows.

It's not worth going out of your way for, but I spent a weekend aggressively wonging, spreading shamelessly, and sitting out hands I didn't like. Got 'em good for several $k, the bastards.

It's still beatable, if you're aggressive.


Well-Known Member
Answers to questions posed above.

Lonesome Gambler: I am the source and I saw and heard it with my own eyes and ears. I was tempted to take a picture but it could be a picture of any casino.

1357111317: I was being facetious about the Seminole's going broke. They are doing quite well and there is no need for them to squeeze more $ out of their operation. They have a captive audience of drunks, newbies and wanna be counters how bet and lose heavy. Like others pointed out, they would make more $ if they gave better penetration and offered better games.

As others have pointed out, it wasn't a great game to begin with and now it's getting worse.


Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's a shame because they have the monopoly on Blackjack in FL. They don't need to provide better conditions to attract business because they're the only game in town (pun intended). As such, they also don't comp drinks or food (to any reasonable extent), and you have to be quite the degenerate slot player to even think about getting a room comped. What a racket.


Well-Known Member
Lonesome Gambler said:
Yeah, it's a shame because they have the monopoly on Blackjack in FL. They don't need to provide better conditions to attract business because they're the only game in town (pun intended). As such, they also don't comp drinks or food (to any reasonable extent), and you have to be quite the degenerate slot player to even think about getting a room comped. What a racket.
yeah, paradoxically i was so happy when i heard they'd be offering blackjack.
the sad thing is, a great venue, the Sea Escape, my virtual second home for over two years, went down the tubes when hard rock got table games.


Well-Known Member
Blue Efficacy said:
Hey, at least such an absurdly profitable operation like this should have low heat.

In my experience, yes. I spread 1-25, sat out hands regularly, and blockaded other spots at the table during + counts. All they did was offer me a hotel room for the night. :)


Well-Known Member
Yes, low heat but they do have a threshold.

I know two guys who got backed off at HR. Despite the fact that they have such an absurdly profitable operation, the Seminoles still will back off solo counters! Those indians are ruthless so be careful you don't get scalped.
