proper UV


Well-Known Member
If I had a 1000 br, would $10 units be too much ? 6 deck game, dealer hits S17, DOA, DAS,with good penetration(75-90%)no surrender.


Well-Known Member
golfnut101 said:
If I had a 1000 br, would $10 units be too much ? 6 deck game, dealer hits S17, DOA, DAS,with good penetration(75-90%)no surrender.

your Ror would be quite high. Your top bet should be at least ten units on that game. So that would only give you 10 max bets.


Well-Known Member
With a $1000BR your max bet based on 1% Kelly is $10. If you want to spread 1-10 then you would spread from $1-10. I doubt this is possible or even in the least bit profitable.
Instead of looking at $1000 as the total BR, you could look at it as part of a "replenishible" BR and play the $10u, knowing that your true BR is several thousand or more over 12-24 months. zg