Grand Vic-Elgin,IL


chgobjpro said:
October 9

Changed two regular 6D,H17 tables to 6/5 Crapjack 6D H17. Min $5.
This is an outrage!:flame:

This casino has mostly sucked but this takes the cake. :mad: This casino is one greedy, evil, burn joint, and a shitty place too. Oh, and that neighborhood, your lucky you don't get robbed when you leave.:eek:

Everyone stay away from this pigsty.

You Midwest boyz, play some fine BJ while there is any left, attend the BJ BASH 09!:cool:



Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
This is an outrage!:flame:

This casino has mostly sucked but this takes the cake. :mad: This casino is one greedy, evil, burn joint, and a shitty place too. Oh, and that neighborhood, your lucky you don't get robbed when you leave.:eek:

Everyone stay away from this pigsty.
lmao, hey Stealthy Won, why don't you say what you really think.:p
You Midwest boyz, play some fine BJ while there is any left, attend the BJ BASH 09!:cool:

yeah really what a sad state of affairs.:flame::whip: