Pair Sidebet


My local casino offers Pair sidebet in Blackjack table. It pays 11 to 1. The pair doesn't have to be in the same suit, and there's no additional bonus if the pair is in the same suit. For T,J,Q,K, they need to be in the same rank. If the initial two cards are T and J, it's not regarded as a pair, although I can split them. The game is in six decks.

I'm counting cards there and many of my friends who also count cards would put money on the pair side bet whenever TC is over 3 or under -3. Well, it makes sense to me as the count reaches certain point, pairs would come more often. However, when I asked them how did they get the numbers, no one could answer me. As I don't see any book mentioning this, I doubt if number is correct.

I'd appreciate if any one could answer or run a simulation for me. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
where i play have different pay out

Non perfect pair - 5 to 1
Pair with same colour - 10 to 1
Perfect pair - 30 to 1
