KO-bet spread

Hey everyone, I have been browsing this board for about a week before I decided to join. I've just became interested in card counting and am trying to learn KO, since I believe that's the easiest. I obviously understand how it works, the only thing that it's confusing is the bet spread, since it is an unbalanced count. When are supposed to up your bets? Any help or links to resources would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Welcome! :joker:

KO is pretty easy and yet decently powerful (for shoes particularly). This has been stated before regarding people starting out with KO, but if you want to use it, you're going to have to buy the book http://www.amazon.com/Knock-Out-Blackjack-Easiest-Card-Counting-Devised/dp/0929712315

It's not a big investment, and you aren't doing yourself any favors by not reading the original source. Afterwards, there are plenty of people here who can help you improve your game and perhaps "take it to the next level" or advise you on some more advanced counts.

Sorry if that sounds callous for a response to your first post, don't want to come across as mean. But no matter what system you use, be it Zen, KO, etc., get the full original publication because otherwise you are going to inevitably ask questions which will already be answered and obvious to you from the book.

Like I said, we are more than willing to help your game, but you must help yourself first :)