Casino Copenhagen

Hey folks

I'm going to Casino Copenhagen in my summer vacation. Have anyone been there?

I don't care about the rules but the staff have a bad reputation.
Is it true that they are mean?

In danish:
Jeg skal snart til Casino Copenhagen.
Hvis du har været der, hvordan opførte personalet sig så? De senere år har de fået massiv kritik fra en masse poker-spillere blandt andet, og de fik, så vidt jeg husker, halvdelen af deres indtægt i drikkepenge.

Så hvordan er det?


Well-Known Member
i have yet to stop by there on one of my trips, but mainly because i did not feel like paying an entry fee to check out the games and i was not wearing "suitable" clothing at the few times i was in the area. one thing i do know is they have a lot of blackjack tournaments, weekly. so if youre into those, it could be worth your while to stop by.

i also know they get some good, aggressive poker games going on, with many players coming over from malmo.