Chicago-Area Casinos?


Well-Known Member
Which are best for blackjack? I've never been to any but am going to be in Chicago this coming week. I was thinking about checking out Horseshoe Hammond, and maybe others. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member

Horseshoe Hammond is a huge hotel...they'll take any kind of action without so much as a blink but the game is very tough. Majestic Star doesn't take action bigger than $500 very well but they have a very nice game...don't flash money and be very careful as there are lots of criminal types around Majestic Star.

Ameristar may also be worth a visit...but it's a tough game also but takes action better than Majestic but not as well as Horseshoe. Nice hotel.

Beware, Cline Ave between Ameristar and Calumet Ave is now permanently closed. You'll have to take the Toll Road or use Indianapolis Blvd.