when advice is not good!


Well-Known Member
I was sitting at the table the other day got to open one up but it didn't last long. Halfway thru a mediocre shoe the three muscateers show up and sit down. One is explaining to his wife that is standing behind him the logic behind his half baked no bust way of playing. The other two, one is dumb and the other dumber on most of the basic strategy. I tell you dumber screwed this guy up two out three times on advice so bad the dealer was dumbfounded. I was trying so hard not to bust out laughing with the whole scene unfolding in front of me I thought this could not be happening. The dealer kept looking at me and telling me I'd better leave soon. I started to flat bet a red and told him that this is the price of admission to the freak show going on. He started to laugh so hard he couldn't deal and then I figuired when the pit showed it was time to color up and out.:laugh: