Man in Black

Anyone here the "Man In Black" who played some BJ with me yesterday afternoon? I must say that was one great outfit,,right down to the glasses, :laugh:,,you made the comment about the washing of the cards...and I was the one pulling all the BJ's. I left when another person joined us. I am glad that when you went for more money that you did not leave your briefcase because had you,,I would have been diving for cover:bomb::yikes:

BTW, I did not miss your ##$$ $$$$ move:cool::)

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Well-Known Member
Maybe he was looking for someone (something). I think pit boss would be great cover for a "Bug".
And wasn't Ned the name of Rip Torns' character in "Men In Black" ?
Gee, maybe that is "Lucky Ned", peddling gambling books.:cool2: ....
interesting encounter CP....
cue Rod Serling :eek: