Blackjack tournament used to decide which parent names baby (fiction)

Here's a fictional story I posted on a baby-name site where the parents played a Blackjack tournament to decide who names the baby:

Note how in the final round I set the story up to provide an example of "Ken's Quandrary" changing the outcome of the game. This story was set in the early 80s; next week I'll be posting one that is set a generation later when the child named in the story then uses the same idea to settle another baby-naming dispute of her own.
It's a great story, but I'm following the betting: Mom starts the round with 90 points more than Dad, they both bet 200 points, they both double for 100 points and they both get stiffs. Then the dealer busts. Am I following that right? Mom should win, it looks like you might have left out a step.
Automatic Monkey said:
It's a great story, but I'm following the betting: Mom starts the round with 90 points more than Dad, they both bet 200 points, they both double for 100 points and they both get stiffs. Then the dealer busts. Am I following that right? Mom should win, it looks like you might have left out a step.
I didn't describe the entire play; rather I described where they both started (1,000 points) and where they were on the deciding final hand. Dad had a good double-down hand (10) while Mom had a pair of sixes (stiff if hit or doubled on).