Crime on the rise in AC casinos


Well-Known Member
You haven't heard this mentioned in the press, but some dealers have been telling me that they have been instructed not to let patrons leave their chips on the tables during bathroom breaks and etc due to a number of patrons losing their chips from people stealing them and then making a dash out the front door. This has been especially true for casinos with tables near the exits such as the Borgata.


Well-Known Member
This isn't new. Some AC casinos have never let players leave chips.

The policy that bothers me is the LV casinos requiring chips be left to hold a spot, but then saying they're not responsible if they get taken. What I do is take most of them and leave a few reds.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
This isn't new. Some AC casinos have never let players leave chips.

The policy that bothers me is the LV casinos requiring chips be left to hold a spot, but then saying they're not responsible if they get taken. What I do is take most of them and leave a few reds.
Weird because usually I've been told to leave the chips there or color up. Last trip was the first time I ever specifically got told to take them with me. Don't they give you the option in Vegas to hold a seat with a marker??


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
Don't they give you the option in Vegas to hold a seat with a marker??
At the places I play, they require chips be left before they'll put a lammer in the circle. I guess too many people tell them to hold a spot then just disappear (I've done it myself when a better opportunity arises).
Sounds like it would be hard to pull off at the Borgata where there's no place to run to outside. I'd worry more about the Hilton, where even someone like me could be out the door in 15 seconds and on Arctic in 3 minutes. A street criminal could make it to safety in maybe one minute.

I'll just leave my reds. One of the scams they use: "My husband is sick in the room, he told me to come down and play his hand." DON'T leave your players card because the PC might ask her "Oh yeah, what's his name?"


Well-Known Member
Everywhere I've played in Vegas I just tell the dealer to "hold my spot" and then I walk off and come back 5, 10, 15 mins later and it's all good. Even 2 spots.
I just leave a single red and my whites and take all my greens and blacks with me. Then I come back short of a few greens ;-)

In poker, you're required to leave all your chips on the table for obvious reasons, but it's impossible for anyone else to play with your chips without others noticing.


Well-Known Member
alwayssplitaces said:
I just leave a single red and my whites and take all my greens and blacks with me. Then I come back short of a few greens ;-)

In poker, you're required to leave all your chips on the table for obvious reasons, but it's impossible for anyone else to play with your chips without others noticing.
The worst rule in Vegas poker is that $100 bills play at the table. Its impossible to know how many your opponent has and so easy for a thief to just walk by and snatch them up, much easier than chips.
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