Awesome day at the tables


New Member
Hey everyone, so I joined a while back but got caught up in a bunch of work. I've been playing for about 6 months now just casually.. and usually took a bigger hit on the bank than I was improving it.

The last couple days I really read up on the site, got the basic strategy down quite well. For a little info, I play the $25 table, because the 5/15 dollar seems to chip away money even quicker. Now the kicker.. is I usually just buy in with a $100 bucks, and play no more than $200 in a day.

The rules are 6D dealer hits S17, no surrender one split aces.

I started off today with a couple of DD opportunities and won off the get go -- up 200. Not to long after I was up about 600 bucks. This one lady came and started cheering when the table lost.. and when I was going to sit out because she threw the table flow (I'm not a counter by any means yet... but I do keep track of low/high cards in my head that I see and bet 1/2 spread for a whopping total of 50/bet.

So I went back to even, stood up and she said she's going to follow me everywhere.. when I told her to follow me outside for a cigarrete so I can give her massive amounts of second hand smoke I didn't hear from her anymore.

Fast forwarding to the end.. played 2D peek BJ? I bought in with $200 because I lost the rest of it, and ran it up to a grand before I left feeling awesome about my first big winnings. This was over a period of 3 hours, and came from my last $50 in chips before I was going to call it a night :)


Well-Known Member
Good luck on your winnings.

First of all, if you buy in for $100 and schedule to play no more than $200, how can you win a grand ? If you make limits on your gambling, you must stick to it.

Second, not knowing basic strategy you are much more likely to lose your money. Even playing perfect basic strategy will not prevent that.

Third, there is not such a thing as table flow.


Well-Known Member
MangoJ said:
Good luck on your winnings.

First of all, if you buy in for $100 and schedule to play no more than $200, how can you win a grand ? If you make limits on your gambling, you must stick to it.

Second, not knowing basic strategy you are much more likely to lose your money. Even playing perfect basic strategy will not prevent that.

Third, there is not such a thing as table flow.
Maybe the poster means $200 of their own money - not "house money."


Well-Known Member
There are tons of people who use counting as an "aid" to play blackjack which does more harm than good to that player. With knowing basic strategy you then have only have a negative expectation of .5% using a any couting system is not going to help your edge if you cant even identify the correct plays.
With that out of the way. Good job on being on the postive end of the variance swing. I'm sure we could all use a bit of that at this point.


Well-Known Member

Understand the following FACTS !

NOT impressions or opinions.

You were very lucky to have won anything.

You are excited by having won.

Now take stock of yourself with a reality injection, as in ...

The House Edge will grind you down as your play continues apace.

That will happen with an approx. probability of 99+%

Do not use "DD" to mean "double down"

Our convention is to use "DD" to mean "double deck".

What did you mean by "2 deck peek BJ" ?

Where are you playing; as in the general area. ?

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
If the dealer hits soft 17, and there is no surrender or resplitting of aces allowed, you are not playing a very good game unfortunately, unless they deal very deeply before shuffling.

The Chaperone

Well-Known Member
Blue Efficacy said:
If the dealer hits soft 17, and there is no surrender or resplitting of aces allowed, you are not playing a very good game unfortunately, unless they deal very deeply before shuffling.
I don't think penetration is very important in this case. The guy is spreading 1-2 and doesn't even know basic strategy.