Analogies to the game


Well-Known Member
I wish I could think of a good analogy to the process of the game and AP play.

The only one I could come up with was for overbetting and it is kind of like wandering around in the dark on very thin ice hoping the grasp a helium balloon which would take you up to extreme winnings.

All the time the ice is cracking below your feet threatening a frigid splash.


Well-Known Member

Not to High jack the thread but how does AP fend against say Wallstreet or say 401K, IRA, CD, or any other long term investment?



Well-Known Member
The precision of counting systems is a catch 22. The better they get at estimating your precise advantage, the more likely you are to make a mistake and be completely wrong.
Easy Answer?

Severity8 said:
Not to High jack the thread but how does AP fend against say Wallstreet or say 401K, IRA, CD, or any other long term investment?

Depends on how much you play.

Let's say stocks average 7% a yr.
If you play enough to make more then 7% in ev then bj is better.

The above does not consider variance nor that stocks are passive while bj is an active investment.

good cards