AC room pooling

The busy Summer season is here, and room poolers are wanted. I'll share my room on Monday nights with up to 3 room poolers, but I'll need a room to crash on the nights of Tuesdays through Thursdays after 4th of July. PM me for references and more details.


Well-Known Member
Randie said:
The busy Summer season is here, and room poolers are wanted. I'll share my room on Monday nights with up to 3 room poolers, but I'll need a room to crash on the nights of Tuesdays through Thursdays after 4th of July. PM me for references and more details.
Weekdays, everyone will be giving away rooms. why do we need to pool the rooms?
Why will some players want to pool rooms? It's because players may only receive 1 or 2 free room offers per week. By pooling rooms, they may extend their trips by several more days.