Message board software updated


Staff member
I just installed a small software update on the message boards here, so let me know if you have any problems.

One of the enhancements is supposed to be improved proxy support. If you're an AOL user and you've had trouble staying logged in, hopefully this will fix the problem.


Well-Known Member
Ken, I see that the "Smilies" column on the right side of the message window now extends off my screen. It didn't used to do that. If I go to full page now it doesn't exceed page width. Also, it appears that some of the smilie "text" does not have icons to go with it.

Other than that, I haven't noticed anything different.


Staff member
Thanks Mike. I forgot to reinstall the custom smilies after the upgrade. It should be fixed now. Thanks for pointing that out.


Staff member
Registration was broken, because the image verification function wasn't working correctly.

If you were put off by an ability to register in the last couple of days, please try again. Sorry for the trouble!