Basic Strategy Split Question

I have been curious if it is ever in one's favor to not split aces. Especially with the all-to-common rule in my area of being dealt only one card on your ace splits. It would seem that if the count is negative enough that splitting aces and receiving only one card after the split would be a worse bet then just hitting them or better yet doubling down against a 5 or 6!! That would be a funny move to see someone make :D

I have never seen a matrix number for when to deviate from basic strategy for ace splits... is this because they are assuming that you can continue to hit after your split? Just curious if anyone has made this play
Stanford Wong's "Professional Blackjack" does include tables showing when it is best NOT to split aces. I suggest you check it out - its a very good book!
Jumpfreak888 said:
Stanford Wong's "Professional Blackjack" does include tables showing when it is best NOT to split aces. I suggest you check it out - its a very good book!
I just ordered it today. In the meantime, I'm pretty curious since I'd never thought about this - can you give us a summary?


Well-Known Member
Double down on a BJ!!! People flee away from the table. I did it yesterday always as I got a BJ and I had a really really high count so that I could estimate getting another 10/face card to reach 21 again.

I mean it is totally against the BS but we went to a casino which changed their single deck face down 3:2 game to a 6:5 and I tried a couple hands and it is better to get double money than just 1/5 more then a regular win!


Well-Known Member
mack I really enjoyed that. I'm sure 6/5 blackjack will always be a poor bet but it sure sounds like you made the best of a terrible situation. I applaud your creativity.