Optimum Betting

According to Stanford Wong's "Professional Blackjack", if a player is serious about making the most money off of the casino while minimizing losses, they are to bet a percentage equal to a players advantage minus 20%. For every plus count in most betting systems a player can safely assume that they have gained approximately a .5% advantage over the house. Of course, one has to figure out what percentage advantage the house has over you in the first place. The particular game that I play leaves me with about a .5% disadvantage (.52% to be precise, *the game itself is double deck wherein the dealer must hit soft 17 and players cannot double after splitting*) Therefore, assuming I have, say, a $5,000 bankroll and the running (true) count is +2, my optimum bet would be $20. (With a count of plus 2, my % advantage is 1 - minus the casino edge of .5%. .5% of my $5,000 bankroll is $25, and 80% of that is $20) Of course, on +1 or lower counts I would bet the minimum because I have no advantage.

Be aware, however, that one needs a sizable bankroll for this betting strategy to work since most if not all casino's have a minimum bet. For my purposes, I would need a bankroll of at least $2,000 to take advantage of 'optimum betting'. If I had a bankroll of just $1000, I would be wasting my advantage. The minimum count I would need for an advantage would be +2 (this will leave me with a miniscule .5% advantage.) .5% of $1,000 is just $5, and 80% of that is a mere $4. Even though I have an advantage, I would be OVERBETTING since the table minimum is $5 where I play. Overbetting can be fatal to one's bankroll over the long run,

So far, this system of betting has done very well for me. I highly suggest that any serious player give it a try or at least look into it. I would also like to hear all of your guys' betting strategies as well. All insight is very welcome!
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