Blackjack Back Off on HBO


Active Member
With the UBT bringing blackjack tournaments to a national stage on CBS during a sports Saturday time spot,Many other networks have taken noticed and realized that our game is the game of choice with the majority of people entering a casino anywhere in the world .

But what comes with this game is the ever present casino suits who will not allow anyone who can play a winning game the opportunity to play .If you have never been the victim of verbal and or physical harassment from a casino and would like to see it as it happens to one of our members you will now be able.

The HBO network recently filmed one of our members MIT Mike in Las Vegas during a playing session, he was equipped with a hidden camera and audio device to record what was being said to him by the casino suits and security.

It is something no one should miss it will be shown on HBO on Nov 21 during the show Real Sports I believe at 10 PM eastern but check your local HBO listings for the exact time slot.. Imagine that our game on the much acclaimed network HBO and its show Real Sports

For those who do not know MIT Mike he was one of the key team members of the famous MIT Count team and the WSOB Champion in 2004.

Enjoy the show !!!!!!

CBS, HBO, ESPN, FOX SPORTS,WGN some of the networks with plans to show blackjack tournaments and shows covering blackjack.

2 years ago we just had GSN now look, man is this getting good


Active Member

on Tuesday November 21, HBO Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel is airing a story on cardcounting and the MIT team. The real interesting part is hidden camera footage of playing blackjack, including getting kicked out of a casino. It’s real, unstaged footage which I think advantage players will get a kick out of.