blackjack vs. poker


Well-Known Member
I've been reading blackbelt in blackjack and must admit its actually a bit of a discouraging read. I'm starting to wonder if I put the same effort into couting cards and playing BJ if it would be financially more rewarding to play poker. What is everyone's take on the difference between the two and the opportunity to make money. I really like playing BJ and have become fairly competent at counting cards but I would like to be able to make a bit (perhaps more than a bit) of money at it as well as just enjoy the game. I also enjoy playing poker and in fact I'm a poker/BJ dealer at a casino.


Well-Known Member
I feel that since your only opponent in bj is the casino itself that it would be more profitable than poker as you have to beat mutliple opponents with the hand your dealt. Now since poker is huge and all the fad followers want to jump on the bandwagon you have even more opponents that you have to be better than. I remember few years ago when I moved to the midwest from california, noone here knew how to play poker, all they played was euchre (sp?). Now everyone knows how to play and wants to be a pro.


Well-Known Member
I have been playing both BJ and Poker at the casino pretty regularly. I my opinion it is pretty much the same. You have your ups and downs in both games, but in poker if you win a big tourny the payout is great. In the cash games you get a lot of beginners on the lower limit games, but as you move up 10/20 and above, the quality of poker players increases significantly.

Just my 2 cents. I enjoy playing both.


Well-Known Member

couldn't agree with you more about the book being discouraging in parts. especially when you get to page 121, the profit index, and start rating the games, especially if you are working with a limited income. but he has a way of picking you up later in the book. can't remember where it is but when he discusses the standard deviation for counters I found that very encouraging because even though the flux is tough I like the fact that we should end up further in the plus direction than we would revert in the negative. if you use the profit index on a limited bankroll it may take some time to build it up to a level where you can play a winning game, but you can still use it to compare different games. I've found that depending on the penetration and min bets sometimes it's better to play the dd as opposed to 6deck, or vice versa.

I think bj/poker are too different animals. if you enjoy a game played against others and are good at it then poker is a good bet. it's been around a long time and will continue, there will also be plenty of unskilled players to exploit. I'm sure bj will still be around in 15-20 years but what will the conditions be like? no reason to worry about it, right now there are good games out there even if you don't have much of a budget, so you just continue to practice and be the best you can at whichever game you play. whatever happens happens. if you have the cash you may as well play both. if you have to decide pick the one you think your abilities will permit the most return. just because one game is statistically superior than another does not mean YOU can win more with that superior game. ........"know thyself"



Well-Known Member
I pick blackjack over poker for two reasons. One is concrete. The other is fairly abstract.

On a concrete level, I know myself well enough to know that I am very readable. I'm just not sure I can bluff well or if I can conceal the fact that I have a good hand. THat is probably my biggest reason for not having tried poker.

ON a more abstract level, I just feel more comfortable taking the casino's money than I do with the idea of me taking money directly from the guy sitting next to me.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for everyone's reponse, it was quite helpful and encouraging. At hopefully now I can pick my spirits up again when I get further in the book ;)

I consider myself a decent poker player and a good BJ player. The only reason I learned poker was because I HAD to takek the poker dealer class at the casino I work at. I do enjoy poker but when it gets right down to it I must rather play BJ. I don't think its because I rather take the casinos money, though now that I think of it thats a big plus. But I prefer the style of the game and being heads up against one player only. Even if there's a bunch of people at your table you're still only playing against the dealer.

Thanks again, I feel better now and will continue in my 'career' as a BJ player.