shuffle tracking basics


Well-Known Member
ok first of all i have to say i'm not going to implement shuffle tracking any time soon. but i want to see if i have the basis of it correct. basically you track 'clumps' of card through the shuffle. then you know where there is a high + count and you want to cut the deck(s) so this high count area ends at the back and then is 'cut out' by the casino. this effectly gives you a positive starting shoe rather than just a zero starting shoe. is this correct?? i know it's more complicated than that so someone doesn't need to tell me this. i'm just seeing if i'm on the right track.


Staff member
Shuffle tracking can be used for cutting bad cards out of play as you describe, or for cutting good cards into play. The most powerful use is cutting good cards into play, and knowing which deck segment is full of the good stuff.

With some shuffles, you can get a "repeater", where you can cut one good shoe after another.