What are the odds in roulette streaks!


Well-Known Member
What are the odds you will 5 spins in a row betting on red or black and what are the odds the house will win 5 in a row! First the odds of you winning 5 spins in a row betting on either red or black are 1 in 42 the odds of the house winning 5 spins in a row when you bet on red or black are 1 in 25! The house has a 68% better chance to win 5 in row than you do! Lets expand the streak to 10 spins in a row the 18/38=.4736^10=.000568% or 1 in 1758 the odds for the house to win 10 spins in a row are 20\38=.5263^10=.001631 or
1 in 613! The house is 286% more likely than the player to win 10 spins in a row when the player bets on red or black!
This goes to show you all though the odds of roulette seem when they are 5.26% against you for one spin when make more and more spins you are way more likely to lose.


Well-Known Member
Every spin is independent anyway, so if you bet you will loose your bet 52.63% of the time and the same is true for the next bet you will make, this is why every kind of progression system will loose exactly the house edge +/- Standard Deviation, this is because every single independent bet have the same chances to loose, therefore after making every kind of bet you have in your system a certain amount of times, you approach the long run and loose 5.26% of everything you bet +/- SD.