
PBS was doing a BBC show tonight called Supernatural Science. It was a look at ESP. They went over some old test that skeptics argue about and so forth. Perhaps the one that was most interesting was wiring a subject for brain waves. Then have him look at 4 cards - they showed 8s, 8d, 8c, and 8h. The subject makes his pick and the brain waves move about. Then a computer makes a pick. The conscious decision of the subject was not all that great. But the brain waves paterns did correlate to correct predictions - a subconscious positive correlation.

Well... as my mind runs, wouldn't it be cool if....

I dug around on the net a bit. There are some training modules out there to teach you to employ Psi in the casino - who would have thought. There is some software for sale to test your Psi ability. And I did find this one paper. The paper analyzes the drop and payout for various games over a four year period - except for one month and 5 days of data that was missing.

The study indicates that you might get an additional 2% if you just gamble when the moon is full or there abouts (page 11). How about that. I think I read somewhere else that people smoked more and ash trays were fuller during full moons. Maybe not - I seem to remember something about ash trays...

Anyway, here is the article called "Seeking Psi in the Casino":

(Dead link:


PS - Can I get the same effect during moon dark periods by drinking moon shine?


Well-Known Member
more lunacy

Maverick said:
PBS was doing a BBC show tonight called Supernatural Science. It was a look at ESP. They went over some old test that skeptics argue about and so forth. Perhaps the one that was most interesting was wiring a subject for brain waves. Then have him look at 4 cards - they showed 8s, 8d, 8c, and 8h. The subject makes his pick and the brain waves move about. Then a computer makes a pick. The conscious decision of the subject was not all that great. But the brain waves paterns did correlate to correct predictions - a subconscious positive correlation.

Well... as my mind runs, wouldn't it be cool if....

I dug around on the net a bit. There are some training modules out there to teach you to employ Psi in the casino - who would have thought. There is some software for sale to test your Psi ability. And I did find this one paper. The paper analyzes the drop and payout for various games over a four year period - except for one month and 5 days of data that was missing.

The study indicates that you might get an additional 2% if you just gamble when the moon is full or there abouts (page 11). How about that. I think I read somewhere else that people smoked more and ash trays were fuller during full moons. Maybe not - I seem to remember something about ash trays...

Anyway, here is the article called "Seeking Psi in the Casino":

(Dead link:


PS - Can I get the same effect during moon dark periods by drinking moon shine?

funny you should mention this stuff. today while on my way to a date with lady luck's ugly sister lady sure bet (my job) i was listening to a radio broadcast by PBS about esp and one of the lunar astronauts that was the inspiration for the founding of the noetic organization. they talked about some interesting theories relating esp to quantum mechanical entanglement.


Well-Known Member
No, you guys have it all wrong! The only way to win at blackjack is to use Horary astrology! Duh! :laugh:

“The 'edge' told me by the Moon ruling the house of the matter making an opposition to the Sun (full Moon), separating by 5 minutes of longitude, that the $300 more would be negatory; wouldn't be done.”

“So I thought I'd go to the crap's table and play after I saw 'box cars' hit. I bought in and began a progression of an altered martingale. Well, Full Moon's and Lunations(New Moons)are said by the Ancients to be castrophic.”

Maverick said:
Anyway, here is the article called "Seeking Psi in the Casino":(Dead link: _
Thi is prety good evidence! zg

CONCLUSION (page-24):

In this study, involving four years of data from a Las Vegas casino, daily payout percentages were shown to significantly correlate with gravitational tidal forces, and nearly significantly correlate with lunar cycle and GMF. Both lunar cycle and geomagnetic flux have been linked in previous research to changes in psi performance, and now gravitational tides show interesting effects as well.

There is an alternative to the hypothesis that environmental variables affect psi per se. Fluctuations in the environment probably affect the functioning of the human nervous system (Tromp, 1980), including some aspects of cognitive functioning (Persinger & Levesque, 1983; Snoyman &
Holdstock, 1980; Rotton & Frey, 1985). During GMF quiet periods, when this aspect of the environment is presumably not adversely affecting the nervous system, what we see as higher casino payout rates may actually be chance expected values, and during periods of environmental disturbances, when the nervous system is stressed and our ability to concentrate is reduced, what we observe as lower casino payout rates may instead be lower-than-chance levels. This is because gamblers’ attention and vigilance are presumably not as high, they may tend to be distracted from the games more easily (especially games like blackjack and craps where playing strategies can influence the payout percentages), and hence they tend to lose more.

Countering this alternative is the observed distribution of Slots payout percentages. Slot jackpots are relatively rare, and yet four of six jackpots in four years occurred close to the day of the full moon.

So perhaps there is indeed something remarkable about the full moon. Perhaps it acts as a cosmic clock (which is coincidentally in sync with fluctuations in solar wind), or perhaps it acts as a modulator of global GMF and tidal forces.

Whatever the ultimate explanation, the present exploratory analysis has just scratched the surface of what may be a set of complex relationships among environmental factors and psi performance in casino games. While the absolute magnitude of the effect observed here is small, on average one can apparently gain about a 2% advantage by gambling on the full moon and not gambling on the new moon. This means most players will lose a little slower than usual.



Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Thi is prety good evidence! zg

CONCLUSION (page-24):

In this study, involving four years of data from a Las Vegas casino, daily payout percentages were shown to significantly correlate with gravitational tidal forces, and nearly significantly correlate with lunar cycle and GMF. Both lunar cycle and geomagnetic flux have been linked in previous research to changes in psi performance, and now gravitational tides show interesting effects as well.

There is an alternative to the hypothesis that environmental variables affect psi per se. Fluctuations in the environment probably affect the functioning of the human nervous system (Tromp, 1980), including some aspects of cognitive functioning (Persinger & Levesque, 1983; Snoyman &
Holdstock, 1980; Rotton & Frey, 1985). During GMF quiet periods, when this aspect of the environment is presumably not adversely affecting the nervous system, what we see as higher casino payout rates may actually be chance expected values, and during periods of environmental disturbances, when the nervous system is stressed and our ability to concentrate is reduced, what we observe as lower casino payout rates may instead be lower-than-chance levels. This is because gamblers’ attention and vigilance are presumably not as high, they may tend to be distracted from the games more easily (especially games like blackjack and craps where playing strategies can influence the payout percentages), and hence they tend to lose more.

Countering this alternative is the observed distribution of Slots payout percentages. Slot jackpots are relatively rare, and yet four of six jackpots in four years occurred close to the day of the full moon.

So perhaps there is indeed something remarkable about the full moon. Perhaps it acts as a cosmic clock (which is coincidentally in sync with fluctuations in solar wind), or perhaps it acts as a modulator of global GMF and tidal forces.

Whatever the ultimate explanation, the present exploratory analysis has just scratched the surface of what may be a set of complex relationships among environmental factors and psi performance in casino games. While the absolute magnitude of the effect observed here is small, on average one can apparently gain about a 2% advantage by gambling on the full moon and not gambling on the new moon. This means most players will lose a little slower than usual.


Still, no less or more "voodoo" than any other betting sytem.

OK - maybe a little more :)