The first three cards n°2.1

I will title all my post "The three first cards" and just add a number
This is "the three first card n°2"

Theory only get's understood through practical exercices

Remember that I will use the number "11" instead of the term "ace" in what follows

Consider for a while that each hand you will play at blackjack
is nothing different from buying one lottery ticket. that ticket is made of three cards-three numbers and you attach "no importance" in which order they will land on the table

You can buy as any tickets as you want(one after the other, I insist)
and you can decide the price at which you want to buy the ticket.That is
how much you will bet one one specific hand

These tickets come in 252 differents flavors ranging from the best ticket
(ticket 11-10-10) to the worst ticket(ticket 9-7-7)

You buy your first ticket (the example is made on casino lux, practice mode)

and you decide that you attack the blackjack on a 10$ dollar basis

first hand (I get the ticket 10-8-5)

actually the dealer has the 10 and I have 8-5
that is 13 against 10 and you all know that this is no good knews. some of you might even know that 13 against 10 is a "-47% against you" situation. at this stage, I still don't kwon what is next. I might lose, still win, or break even.

Now for those who really want to undersand my"three first cards theory" follow this.
Since I bet 10$ and that 13 against 10 is a -47% situation, in my old days I calculated that my next bet would be 10 + 10*47/100 therefore my next bet would be 14,70$ rounded to 15$ or to put it another way I will pay my next lottery ticket 15$ hoping to get a good ticket this time. But raise up a bet 50%, I don't like that

but now I look at it differently

I consider this ticket 10-8-5' these three first cards the dealer gave as
a ticket of three cards that could have landed on the table creating three
different situations

8-5 against 10 which is the case here. but don't you agree that the next time the dealer will give these three cards (this ticket),they could land differently on the table and give three differents possibilities

the one mentionned above 13 against 10

BUT also

10-8 '(18) against 5 (some of you might know that this is a +20% situation)


10-5 (15) against 9 (some you.............................a -46% situation

and now the most important point

I won't consider that I have 8-5 againt 10, but I consider that bought a lottery ticket (made of three members, the cards 10-8-5) which internal value expressed in percentages is

(-47% for 8-5 against 10 +
+20 percent for 10-8 against 5 +
-46% for 10-5 against 8)

(-47 +20 -46) divided by 3 or -73/3 or -24,33 percent

remember that I said that 8-5 against 10 was -47%
AND I prefer to state that my ticket(10-8-5) was in fact a loser by 24.33% rather than a loser by - 47% loser(13 against 10). you might not be very impressed but my -47% situation (13 against 10) has now become a -24.33%
ticket. 23% difference in between the two way of looking at the fact that the dealer gave me 8-5 taking the 10 for himself. this 23% of difference make the magic on all losing tickets

And Iw I will buy my next ticket 12.5$ (10 + 20*% of 10).II will in this case need to rounded to 13$ (thougt I keep 12.33 in memory.(do not attach to many importance at this rounding at this stage)

Please do notice that I still don't know whether I will lose win or break even with my 13 agianst 10 situation, I don't care about any count of 10 and 11(whether land based or online) but I already know my next bet. after the dealer dealt only three cards, I can calculate my next bet. Read my future, I would say.

well I already know my next bet and I'm ready to finalise. let's see what will the dealer give me now
(back to casino lux)

Well the dealer gave me a 10 that 23 and I lost my 10$

I buy a new ticket 13$. let's see

I received 6-2 againt 8 (I kwow that is -15%)

but this ticket could have been

8-2 against 6 (beautiful) double down and you have a 58% advantage
8-6 against 2 and that is -29$

and the ticket I bought this time 13 dollars is in fact a ticket that has a value
of (-15-29+58)/3 that is a +4.66% ticket in my favour. not much but welcome

I bought that ticket 12.5 (rounded to 13) and I took a 4.66% of that 12.5

my next ticket, I will buy 12.5 - (4.66*12.5/100) that is 11,9

back to the table to finish this hand
the dealer give me 3 + 10 and, luckyly I have 21.
he took for himself 3 + 7 total 18
I win at this stage. My money result is -10 + 13 = 3 for 2 hands

notice that after a win/lose balance of 0, I win 3$

The next ticket I will buy doesn't come from the table, I just choosed it
myself and that is the beautifull 11-10-10 ticket. I still have other thing to say and I don't want to be to long with the example. If you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask me questions. I will answer

let's see what these three cards could give the three different landing possibilities.

11-10 against 10 that is 140%
11-10 against 10 (yes, once again)
10-10 against 11 that is +15$

total value of that beautifull tickets which you will receice now and again

(140+140+15)/3 that is 98% percent gain on my 12 dollar ticket, that is I have won about the entire 10$ I started playing with.

I though a practical example was necessary for better understanding even though I now that analysing 3 tickets is not much.

Thought that doen't look obvious to you by now, the complete table
including the 252 tickets availables in front of their poucentage tells this

1. there are more losing tickets than winners
2. the losing tickets lose very little, AND THAt I LOVE. very manageable system.
3. The winning tickets are unavoidable and are big to extremely big winners
4. this losing ad winning tickets do alternate nicely for reason that I can not explain.
5. these different elements make the system "VERY STABLE". you will not find yourself betting 150 buck with a initial attack of 10 buck. you will stay in the 10$ to 25$ range.

Let me precise that when I started to look at blakjack through the " first three cards" only, I wasn't sure to end up with something usefull. I had the idea that putting three cards in three differents positions wolud in fact consist of about 0% useless tickets.

I don't even remember why I insisted, but I went on. I wrote a blackjack programm with visual basic and I studied one by one the 252 possible tickets. It took me hours days nights weeks before I ended up with my complete table.
But the results were better than I hoped and especially very usable.

the system tells me that my message is to long, so I will cut it into 2 pieces
"the first three cards n°2.1
"the first three cards n°2.1