Swinomish Northern Lights Casino WA


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever been to this casino? It's in Anacortes WA.
We're planning a trip to Whidbey Island WA soon to visit son. He is in the Navy and stationed at Whidbey Island.

I found this casino on the internet. Its only about 15-20 miles from the Naval Base.

Would love to konw more about it if anyone as any info.
I called the casino and they said they have about 6 BJ tables, two DD games, others ar 6D shoes. Some tables have $5 minimums.

Would like to know if this is a decent area. I think is an Indian reservation.

Thanks for any replies.
You will like Northern Lights. Very comfortable, nice staff, safe area. Also, when in the area, check out Angel of the Winds Casino as well as Skagit which are located a short distance north on Interstate 5. Enjoy your stay!


Well-Known Member
Great Casino! Very friendly dealers and other staff.
You did have to pay for beer and other alcohol drinks but soft drinks were complimentary.
I went there every night we were in town and had a great time. Came out ahead 4 out of 5 trips and ahead overall.

Would definitely return there.
They even had a $3 table that was always open.
Glad to hear you enjoyed Northern Lights. Yep, no free booze anywhere in Washington State Casinos. Guess the Governor still has control on that, regardless of being on the reservation. Anyhow, small price to pay as there are so many to play at thru-out the state.

Regards, treehugger.