Here's What Often Works for Me

Bet 1 unit and lose; bet 2 units and lose; bet 3 units and lose; bet 7 units and lose and leave the table. If I win bets 1, 2 or 4, I win 1 unit. If I win on bet 3, I break even and if I lose all 4 bets, I have lost 4 hands in a row and 13 units and live to play another table or another day. Although I double down, split and surrender when appropriate, I do not consider the extra $$ bet (or the surrender rebate) when choosing my next bet.

Do I win doing this? Most often I do. But then I quit when my profit is 50% 0f my initial stake, too!! The hardest part, however, is to walk after losing the 7 unit bet but I have found it is not worth betting (and possibly losing) a 14 or 15 unit bet trying to pick up one unit or to break even. The majority of my profit seems to come from double downs or Black Jacks when multiple units have been bet.

Is this stupid? Maybe so, but I believe that I am a net winner doing this.



Well-Known Member
BOGEY21 said:
Bet 1 unit and lose; bet 2 units and lose; bet 3 units and lose; bet 7 units and lose and leave the table. If I win bets 1, 2 or 4, I win 1 unit. If I win on bet 3, I break even and if I lose all 4 bets, I have lost 4 hands in a row and 13 units and live to play another table or another day. Although I double down, split and surrender when appropriate, I do not consider the extra $$ bet (or the surrender rebate) when choosing my next bet.

Do I win doing this? Most often I do. But then I quit when my profit is 50% 0f my initial stake, too!! The hardest part, however, is to walk after losing the 7 unit bet but I have found it is not worth betting (and possibly losing) a 14 or 15 unit bet trying to pick up one unit or to break even. The majority of my profit seems to come from double downs or Black Jacks when multiple units have been bet.

Is this stupid? Maybe so, but I believe that I am a net winner doing this.

George or Bogey21:
If it works for you and floats your boat, then go for it. I'll not be drawn into another Progression debate. Futile.


Well-Known Member
Good reply Mike. I actually composed a topic recently titled "Let's clear up the progression thing once and for all". I was on my fourth paragraph when my browser quit and I didn't feel like retyping it. Maybe I'll get around to it again soon.


Well-Known Member
Progression Bets

Just one comment Bogey21 and then I'm joining Mikeaber for a beer or movie, you stated you leave the table after 4 losses but make your profit with BJ's or DD's. Statistics and simulatations show you get a BJ on the average every 13 hands, presuming you have 12 losses and then a BJ thats 1 1/2 wins vs. 12 losses. I wish the game was as easy to beat as you feel it is and you may have had luck on your side to date but progression systems have failed for many years and will continue to fail.
Problem is that I agree with you guys!! But like they say about the stock market "You can't fight the tape". The tape for me the last 10-12 months is that what I have been doing works. One thing I neglected to mention is that I also quit a table after making 5 units; take a breather (watch part of a ball game, drink a beer or something); then find another happy table and go at it again. It seems (I say seems as I can't prove anything) is that the tension between winning 5 units before losing 4 straight hands (sometimes 5 or 6 hands with pushes) MAY have allowed me to avoid many of the calamities that plague progressions. Note that I say MAY. I just flat don't know and if I don't know, there is no way I can prove anything.
rookie789 said:
Statistics and simulatations show you get a BJ on the average every 13 hands, presuming you have 12 losses and then a BJ thats 1 1/2 wins vs. 12 losses.
I agree that stats and simulations don't lie and in the long run prevail, but remember I win or push some of those 12 non-Black Jack hands.

I'll let you guys know when this blows up on me. It just hasn't yet!

You will get a BJ once in about 20 or 21 hands, not in 12 hands.
Again this is on average, so don't bet the farm if you haven't had one in 20 or so hands.
You may only get one in 100 hands or you may get three in a row.
Again on average, you will lose four hands in a row, once in every 18 hands.


Well-Known Member
Well, one thing this spam accomplished was to give about a thousand topics a kick start <LOL>

I'm just curious. Does ANYONE buy these systems?