OK I'm new but witha good story.

Hello all good folks. call me Irish. Am not that dumb but if all the pit bosses and dealers think so? Well that's just fine and dandy with me.

And interesting story:

OK I get out of the hospital Saturday, brief scare, cheated the reaper but otherwise perfectly fine. It suddenly dawns on me that the local Indian Gaming metropolis is only a half hour drive north.,

Well I scout around for truly good games but there are not. All the low min bids have automatic shufflers and the higher ones, while shuffling, never penetrate much past the end of the third deck out of six.

My expendable wad is low but I play anyway. What the hell? I don't believe in "luck" at cards but I never allow myself to believe that certain cards are "bad". Many a hand has been won with a twelve or just the sixteen. Sure I'll hit any stiff hand at the right moment but refuse to allow myself to call a sixteen "Bad cards".

That's just negative thinking. Useless.

So I'm counting. To my surprise it goes to PLUS 19 within the first two decks. Lot's of aces left too. I reason that this might be the only advantage of the nite before i split and blow the joint. Plus I'd been winning many low hands so i put up a hundred of what really was the house's former money anyway. Am sitting at second base and up a couple hundred within just a half an hour's play.

First base gets a blackjack and I get a pair of Queens. The dealer who sports the "wonderful" six UP card almost passes me by after paying 3:2 to the good man at first base. However I wave at him and push ANOTHER $100.00 in chips to split them ladies...

OK I know that this is a questionable move but the deck is now plus 22. Ive just gotta split the ladies. I'm the kind chap who will double a measly eight card on a high count sometimes. Depending upon what the dealer shows.

Well the whole crowd to the left of me draws a huge hush as I double my bet. Thinking of me as the fool or maybe crazy.

OK so the dealer gives me a six card on top of the first Queen and the five on top of the left lady. Doesn't exactly warm my heart. However check this out: Every player to my left (there's at least four, maybe five) have stiff hands from between twelve to fourteen. None are gonna draw another card.

So basically my six on top of the right queen would have gone to the dealer.

Drama: Dealer tips down card up. He's got a nine below, draws another nine and busts at 24.

Had I NOT split dem ladies he gets a friggin 21. The whole board loses.

I get several handshakes and two free beers.

OK so it was shaky play. Maybe I'll be more careful in the future.

But at times lucky is better than good.

Moral of this story: No such thing as "bad cards".



Well-Known Member
Not really 'dumb' plays for money-making. Spliting 10s and doubling 8 vs. certain cards is correct indice play above certain counts.

It just usually irritates the people around you. After all, everyone at the table is working to help each other, right???:laugh:


Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
Well true. However is splitting tens in an outrageously high count considered kosher? Ditto doubling eights against dealers four to six showing in a very high count?
Depends. Are you trying to make money or make friends?

Players EV at NEUTRAL and POSITIVE COUNTS (from Blackjack Bluebook II, pg. 158, an unbalanced count)

Players hand, Neutral Count hit, double, 9 above pivot hit, double
8 v. 5, +8%, +3%, +15%, +17%
8 v. 6, +12%, +10%, +19%, +24%
(Holds true for 9v.2, 9v.7, 10v. A and 11 v. 8)

Players Hand, Neutral Count Stand, Split, 9 above pivot stand, split
10/10 v. 5, +67% +51%, +69%, +70%
10/10 v. 6, +70% +57%, +72%, +74%

And there are lots more, but these are the ones you asked about. Hope it helps. Others can give you EV for balanced counts.
eps6724 said:
Depends. Are you trying to make money or make friends?

Players EV at NEUTRAL and POSITIVE COUNTS (from Blackjack Bluebook II, pg. 158, an unbalanced count)

Players hand, Neutral Count hit, double, 9 above pivot hit, double
8 v. 5, +8%, +3%, +15%, +17%
8 v. 6, +12%, +10%, +19%, +24%
(Holds true for 9v.2, 9v.7, 10v. A and 11 v. 8)

Players Hand, Neutral Count Stand, Split, 9 above pivot stand, split
10/10 v. 5, +67% +51%, +69%, +70%
10/10 v. 6, +70% +57%, +72%, +74%

And there are lots more, but these are the ones you asked about. Hope it helps. Others can give you EV for balanced counts.

Yes that helps and thanks.