Ace Tracking with counting


Well-Known Member
I have now memorized tags for each card in a deck, and visiting a casino today, I am able to tag EACH card as it is dealt with slower dealers.

However, I can't do this and keep count.

Does anyone know:

Is the advantage of successful ace prediction big enough that I could abandon counting and just play BS, betting larger in expecting an Ace?

I am reading Ace Prediction, but the math is rather daunting (I am aware of critiques and errata).

Replies appreciated!


Well-Known Member
It really depends entirely on the game you are playing, the dealer you are playing against and the shuffle the casino performs.
If the grabs are riffled more than twice with lots of strips etc etc then sequencing's as good as a waste of time. If the dealer's sloppy in a unpredictable fashion (i.e. dropping 4 cards here, 3 cards there) then sequencing again is pretty much a waste of time.
The other consideration that you really have to take is that to really gain an advantage you need a couple of things - accuracy and a reasonable bet spread. The casinos are well aware of the betting patterns used by Ace Sequencers and even if they don't want to back you off, can institute some very simple shuffle changes to stop you. I view sequencing more as an oppertunistic technique that can only be used in certain circumstances than a replacement to counting. If you find the right circumstances however it can be very profitable.
