Run,do not walk,to Laughlin. Now.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from four days down there,and found the best EV situation I've ever come across.
There is some drunken fool playing 15-20 hour sessions between the Pioneer and the Nugget.He knows nothing about the game but that doesn't stop him from betting a minimum of $500 a hand.He likes to wander from table to table and rewards players for "good hits" with a black chip or two.He rewarded me with a $500 chip for splitting my Aces against a Ten.In a single dealers rotation,I saw him tip the dealer six $500 chips and the cocktail waitress a black chip.
He said he was there thru the 22nd.If you get there,you can't miss him. He's 6'4 and hasn't shaved in at least ten years.


Well-Known Member
What are the blackjack conditions in Laughlin right now? CBJN has not been updated since August and it shows four places with playable SD games and all the DD games are H17 no DAS or worse.


Well-Known Member
I only played the Pioneer and Tropicana. Pioneer had SD S17,No DAS,and some DD that I didn't play.Trop had DD with no DAS but was running a good promotion that has since ended.I stayed at Harrahs but didn't play BJ there.
Pioneer had the first full pay three card poker game I've seen in awhile.I was told the Riverside had good games,but I was busy hawking"Osama".


Well-Known Member
The Pioneer offered a S17 DA2 SD game???I have only seen S17 SD games with double on 10,11 only. What was the pen at both of the places you played at?
Thank you


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the infamous Mr H

shadroch said:
Just got back from four days down there,and found the best EV situation I've ever come across.
There is some drunken fool playing 15-20 hour sessions between the Pioneer and the Nugget.He knows nothing about the game but that doesn't stop him from betting a minimum of $500 a hand.He likes to wander from table to table and rewards players for "good hits" with a black chip or two.He rewarded me with a $500 chip for splitting my Aces against a Ten.In a single dealers rotation,I saw him tip the dealer six $500 chips and the cocktail waitress a black chip.
He said he was there thru the 22nd.If you get there,you can't miss him. He's 6'4 and hasn't shaved in at least ten years.
If he was also heavy set, favors overalls, extremely loud with a gruff voice, and leaves his chips at his old table when he goes to a new table, the guy is a legend in the opinions of dealers.
This guy on a 3 or 4 day trip to casinos would be known to frequent just a couple of favorite places and drop about half a million, about a hundred thousand of which would land up in toke boxes. I remember one dealer telling me that the guy would verbally abuse all the dealers but when he showed up she knew her mortgage was paid for the next several months.

I saw the guy after losing a bet for several grand, yell at the dealer, reduce his bet to $100 but put a toke bet out for the dealer of a grand and yell, "lets see if you do that again."

I saw this guy have money (tens of thousands) on 4 different tables at once, go to the men's room, come back and have to ask the pit where he was playing. The answer, there, there, there and there.

Guy also likes to bet on other peoples hands. Sits down at my table and after seeing me do OK, slips $5,000 under my bet of a couple hundred. Of course I get a pair 9's vs dealer stiff and tell him I want to split, he just throws me a $5,000 chip without blinking and we win the hand.

Also, he was the guy who was blackmailed by another player. He bets several grand under some lady's $25 bet and they get a blackjack. She turns to him and tells him to pay her a grand or she will double for less and all hell breaks loose. Finally, the pit boss gets it the message to him that when he bets on someone else's hand, it is that persons hand and they can choose to play it how they wish. Cursing the woman constantly, he pays her off and she heads straight for the cage.

This guy is a one man show. He does not play in high roller pits generally. Will get the casino to raise the max bet on a $10 or $25 table. Will have security everywhere, keeping the crowd off his back and leaving a gaurd at every table where he has left a bunch of chips.
