Chicago Area--Potowatomi/Grand Victoria--


Well-Known Member
I recently went on a trip to this region and stoped at two casinos while i way there, The potowatomi in miwalkee, and the grand victoria in elgin

The potowatomi as the name suggests is an indian casino, it was pretty grand and fancy on the inside but dull and old looking on the out. I was Disapointed to learn that drinks were not free here and you had to pay for them, even for a soda. Aside from that the casino was moderate in size had about 15 blackjack tables open, most of which were ten dollars a few 15s and a section with three 25 dollar tables that i noticed. All of the tables at the time i went OCT 07 allowed mid shoe entree The games were all 8 decks DAS S17 with decent penetration at 1.5 decks pretty much all around. There wasnt a lot of big betting and the table max at the ten dolar tables was only 200 I played for 4 hours in this casino as aggressively as possible playing 1 to 2 hands of 125 and nobody seemed to care that i was betting close to the max.

The grand victoria in elgin ?indiana? is a riverboat casino and is VERY VERY small The games were 8 deck DAS S17 with midshoe entree allowed on EVERY TABLE which i found as a surprise since i normally play in Atlantic city. I think they had maybe 10 tables with minimums of 15, 20, 25 50 and 100 i dont recal the max bets, i back counted mostly while i was here as the low limit tables were pretty full, i think penetration was pretty bad at around 1.8-2.2 decks. This casino is definatly not one worthy of a trip solely to it, but maybe hit it if your plan on hitting the other casinos in the chicago area.