Recent content by flyingwind

  1. flyingwind

    An eye opener from a shift manager's office

    Thanks for the clarification. I'll stay on the legal method.
  2. flyingwind

    An eye opener from a shift manager's office

    manipulating the cut card is cheating?! shuffle tracking and cutting to the good cards, is that cheating? no way... for real?
  3. flyingwind

    Thanks Ken and to everyone who has contributed

    Thanks Ken. Thanks to everyone who's participated on this site. You will not believe how much I have learned in this past year and a half. *I* cannot believe how much I have learned in this time. There are moves that I still cannot perform. But there were moves that I was told that cannot...
  4. flyingwind

    Boards closing, discussion

    Ken, great site. I could not have evolved to this point without the site. Anyone wanting to keep in touch, pm.
  5. flyingwind

    Professional Blackjack Player

    Strange how the times have changed. How I used to wish I'd be able to play perfect strategy, and now I wish to look like a complete idiot. Is there an emoticon for "sigh?" :violin: Close enough.
  6. flyingwind

    Room Comps at Four Queens

    I have found some things left in these rooms that I wished I didn't find. Clues of what previous occupants were doing.
  7. flyingwind

    The book

    What do you have against CE T or stati0ns survillance? or 0SN?
  8. flyingwind

    Room Comps at Four Queens

    Shad - Love your advice.
  9. flyingwind

    thoughts from east coast visit

    Hotel California is a gay establisment?
  10. flyingwind

    Scoping out a casino

    No photography on the gaming floor.
  11. flyingwind

    ~C T R in CA?

    Is there an equivalent to "CTR" or "SAR" in Canada?
  12. flyingwind

    u better not let them catch u doing that @ the $25 tables

    (roflmao) Let me clear this up. If I am a pussy, it's ok to keep on being a pussy, and that's fine, right?
  13. flyingwind

    Question on comps

    Choose one or the other. Play for comps, or play to win. It's not impossible to do both, but your style of play when comp hustling is a little different than your usual play to win. If you get nailed for trying to win, there goes the comps.
  14. flyingwind

    Question on comps

    Bet a lot when the PB is watching. If you won a big bet, and they're not watching, make a lot of noise so they come and look. Don't do anything suspicious while you're comp hustling.
  15. flyingwind

    Question on ratholing

    Who needs TV sitcoms when there's so much right here.