Recent content by gamblingghost

  1. G

    Boards closing, discussion

    Sad news! Just got home from a losing session at BJ, thought I would come on here to ease the pain and WHAT the!!!......:eek: I've only been here for barely a year and have learned a LOT and had a lot of fun! Thank you for that. Now I feel a little lost....sad.:(
  2. G

    am I making mistakes?

    more please hmm, are you saying one of these means the spread is not enough to get an advantage? Or, both have to do with bet size in correlation to BR size but there is a distinction.?
  3. G

    am I making mistakes?

    Yes it is. Being able to ride out the wild swings is required to be of any success in this investment. To run with a tight BR is asking one to experience play in very tense times. This heightens the chance of poor decisions and bust out.
  4. G

    am I making mistakes?

    If I lost half my BR the other half would be on very shaky ground due to the human element. We are not computers. I require a huge BR to invest in this game. 100 max bets is a joke, not nearly enough.
  5. G

    am I making mistakes?

    paymypush seems to think betting less is a big mistake. That it makes an otherwise good player not good. I think that is a mistake. If paypush had seen the swings I have you would understand my cautious approach.
  6. G

    am I making mistakes?

    Yes, underbetting PRESERVES BR. Overbetting causes one to LOSE BR. I choose underbetting any day. It keeps my demons at bay.
  7. G

    am I making mistakes?

    It sounds here as if under betting is worse than overbetting.
  8. G

    The Halves Count Challenge

    Why is halves so much easier than Mentor? Simple progression from hilo.! Oh yeah!!
  9. G

    Separating the Boys from the Men

    Well, it appears that being ready to holecard is much more complicated than for card counters. Is that a fair statement?
  10. G

    Separating the Boys from the Men

    Ok, are the dangers the same for both?
  11. G

    Separating the Boys from the Men

    The point is that there are more 'dangers' for a holecarder than a card counter. Of this I whole heartedly agree.
  12. G

    Separating the Boys from the Men

    Hole carding while standing! He is a very short Asian!!:o
  13. G

    Separating the Boys from the Men

    Dameda!? Hiragana eh? Dame is useless. Look, he said an "unknown Asian" and he camps behind the caller. Why, obviously to use dirty tricks to get his seat.