Recent content by Hinoon

  1. H


    Practice I'm not a pro by any means, so take my advice with a grain of salt... One of the most important skills you can have is the ability to read a table at a glance. Counting single cards quickly is a good start, but in reality, it's better to be able to read pairs and combinations. Why...
  2. H

    Thanks Eliot......

    Ditto I just wanted to mention the two parts of the book that I really enjoy: I really love Chapter 6, Zen and the Art of Blackjack. It sets the tone and is very well said. I'd read it before when it was posted in your online articles, and am happy to have it in print. It's a good mantra for...
  3. H

    If You Do Use Casey.....

    Probably But more likely, they'll notice the guy with the smoking socks. It's really not worth it, particularly since learning to count isn't all that hard. Certainly not as hard as learning to coordinate your toe taps into some kind of code fast enough to keep up with the game and not look...
  4. H

    Update on "The Blackjack Zone" -- they've left New Jersey

    Congrats! What an exciting thing to start the New Year with! Bravo on getting it off the presses and (soon) into the homes of the eagerly awaiting masses.
  5. H

    First thing I thought....

    Cover art! Looks great! The yellow really pops, which will grab the attention of browsing ploppies from across the floor of Borders Books. The introspective Jack is also a perfect image for the blend of philosophy and gaming that you have in your essays. Can't wait to get the real thing in...
  6. H

    BJ Math for Dummies?

    A slight addition/rewording John is absolutely right, The math involved with the game of blackjack get very complex...particularly the math of determining odds, playing strategies, and the like. We (math minded and non math-minded) should all remember and be thankfull that there are people...
  7. H

    BJ Math for Dummies?

    Suggestions On the left hand side of the screen, there's a list of links, third from the bottom is a "Reading List" link. There are enough books there to keep you happy for a long time. It's a misconception that the math behind counting is "hard" math. The fundamental mechanics of Hi-Lo...
  8. H

    keeping vount while distracted

    It's all about how you practice. If you approach learning to count like you approach academics, then you're going to have a hard time applying your newly learned skills in a real-world setting. Once you've got the basics of your count under control (meaning, you understand them enough to...
  9. H

    KO Responses (HiNoon)

    Thanks for the reply ZG! I'm going to stick with Hi-Lo for the time, just because it's what I said I'd do. However, my wife has some interest in taking part, so I'm going to have her pick up KO and see how our experiences compare. Unlike many here, my brain isn't primed for multiple number...
  10. H

    KO's the one...

    ZG This is an interesting post. When I first found this hobby (lifestyle, habit, career, call it what you will), my impression was that the hi-lo count was the most efficient and accurate count there was. It seems to be the backbone for all "serious" or "pro" counts. In my reading I only later...
  11. H

    Tables in WGBB Correct?

    Re: Wife *LINK* Yes, it's always an interesting discussion explaining why your history files pop up URL's for the not so innocent looking "BJ21" and other similarly named sites. Talk about learning to pay attention to where you dot your coms. ;)
  12. H

    A quick trip report

    Congrats Mayor! Hope we hear a few more details after you've had a chance to let the echo of the slot bells fade a little.
  13. H

    Why I should stop watching TV.

    HAHAHA...I'm actually trying hard to control myself right now...maybe it's the whiskey...maybe it's just the absurd infomercial I just watched. Has anyone else seen the commercial advertising the "100% guaranteed" program by master-blackjack player Bobby Singer? It starts off by saying that...
  14. H

    KO System - Effective or Not?

    Re: From a newbie to others regarding count systems I'll be learning KO after I perfect Hi-Lo purely for the sake of knowledge and flexibility. The fact might be helpful to me at some point to change counts... I don't think that there's any harm in learning the hardest skill first...