Recent content by karlmaj

  1. K

    Help me decide (a little personal)

    Hi, I was completely influenced by that movie 21 to card count. It seems to me very exciting. I don't have a bankroll back then; in fact I used a part of my student loan to start with. I experienced a positive variance quickly, and my money grew from 60 to 500 dollars in about 6 sessions (2-3...
  2. K

    How do you backcount?

    I mean, if i get just a little far from the table, i can't really see the cards because the heads of the players are covering it. Should i look at a different angle, like from the side? But the tables' sides are occupied by another table, so i can't really look from the side. is there a way?
  3. K

    Looking for a good book this Xmas any suggestions?

    if you want hi lo, buy Stanford Wong's Professional Blackjack. It has -10 to 10 indices. Also, Wong introduces you to Halves counting system, which is a little bit more powerful than Hi Lo but a little bit difficult. The good thing is that if you mastered the indices for Hi Lo, you can use...
  4. K

    wong halves

    for those of you who uses halves, how successful it is so far? i'm looking forward to switch from hi lo to wong halves.
  5. K

    first or third base?

    i always read from blackjack books that the third base is the best position for a counter because you can make the right decision based on the count. In third base, other players would not affect the count after you play so the dealer will play according to the count you left. but i sometimes...