Recent content by merpmerp

  1. M

    Shuffle Master "Royal Match" machines now operating -- here are the actual rules!

    Can someone just clarify what you are referring to when speaking of the 208 card mark (or 312, etc.)? Are you referring to only counting the dealers cards or everyone's card at the table? It is my understanding that everyone has their own deck, so whatever they do has no effect on anyone...
  2. M

    Splitting nines

    Flash, You and Blue can debate it (I agree with Blue that it's tough to get "well above"), but basically that just affirms what I was saying. If Harley has two nines against that nine his eighteen is worth squat, so he should split that.
  3. M

    Splitting nines

    Harley, The average winning hand is 18 1/2 which really means it is 19, so you're not going anywhere with 18 against the nine and if you can improve it do so. I play very conservatively and would not split them against the 10 and A, but I also don't split 9's against the dealers up card of...
  4. M

    Shuffle Master "Royal Match" machines now operating -- here are the actual rules!

    PA Shuffle Master I have been going to the Mt. Airy Casino for a while because we stay in the Poconos on weekends in the summer. I was considering playing the virtual blackjack, but was hesitant because I thought it may be rigged. For months, I watched other people playing the game. First...