Recent content by Stickum11

  1. S

    BlackJack in Bars

    So I see you two still can't completely agree, but neither of you answered my question on two hands or one. I hear you saying not a great $/Hr rate, but I'm just looking for an answer... $10-15 an hour is perfect for me, I have a good job and gamble successfully elsewhere.... $5-8 an hour is...
  2. S

    BlackJack in Bars

    I guess I do have one more question... On the sim, the spot that list $/Hr, that is obviously dollars per hour, but for one hand, two hands, each hand, what? If I play 2 hands do I double that number, etc.? $5-8 an hour times two is about the perfect range for me...
  3. S

    BlackJack in Bars

    Well I think Kasi wanted it more than me, but thanks for the sim SageFrog. Basically tho, I think all this says it that my original post was right on, and my original plan/system was the optimal one,LMAO. Or I guess I could be misinterpreting the sim, which is even funnier,LOL!!! In any case...
  4. S

    BlackJack in Bars

    Mimosine, Thanks for the post that was pretty much exactly what I was looking for... What would you expect the hourly win to be with that spread? Another question about the $25 at +1 - don't I need atleast a +2 to have the edge over the house. Or since supposedly the game is .28% for the...
  5. S

    BlackJack in Bars

    Yes by a charity. 50% of the tables gross must go to the charity. Most dealers are paid between $4-6 per hour plus tips. The head people of each organization probably make between $40-$65,000. So they say charity but.... The top charity in the state last year made over a million dollars.
  6. S

    BlackJack in Bars

    The gaming is basically non-profit. An organization backs the games. There is no "pit" sometimes a site manager, but that is basically another dealer. If you tip even average they will sometimes "help you out". There is absolutely NO HEAT AT ALL!!! Like I said, I am a dealer, but there are...
  7. S

    BlackJack in Bars

    I am in North Dakota. Yes, the dealer has one up, one down. There is no surrender. You cannot play behind, but you can play either one or two spots. I am actually a dealer myself, lol. I know nearly every dealer in town and they would cut half a deck off if I asked them. I can even see the...
  8. S

    BlackJack in Bars

    I live in a town that has blackjack tables in every bar. We use 4 decks and the betting spread is $1-$25. With these rules: BlackJack pays 3:2 double on any 2 cards split up to 4 times, except Aces, but can resplit aces can double after split dealer stands on soft 17 Usually about 1 to...