Recent content by gobbledygeek

  1. G

    Count It (Cigar Aficianado article)

    But his odds of winning aren't increased with the fight night game, only his bets are larger than usual? "You've got to love these Fight Nights," says Ron. "They're about the only time guys like me can still make a score." [I took this to mean that's when he's allowed to bet way larger bets...
  2. G

    Count It (Cigar Aficianado article)

    Sure, but after a mere 6 hours your result usually ain't gonna be anywhere near your long term EV (correct?). Maybe I read too much into the story, but I had the feeling this $120/round EV only presented itself every once and a while (i.e. fight night); if he plays a lot smaller stakes 99% of...
  3. G

    Count It (Cigar Aficianado article)

    While I enjoyed the story, didn't Ron just get plain lucky? I mean, from how I understand things, the card counter will only make a profit in the long long long run after playing a zillion hands when all the mathematical numbers start approaching the values they are expected to. 6 hours is a...
  4. G

    BJ rules at Cascades in Langley

    5 Decks Dealer Hits On Soft 17 Can Double Down After Split Can Split Any Pair Late Surrender Lose Original Bets Only On Dealer Blackjack They use CSMs and most dealers only deal around 1 deck before feeding it back in to the CSM. From what I've seen so far I doubt you could obtain much...
  5. G

    Know when to walk away

    I only play BS too so I know the more hands I play in my lifetime the more money I'll lose. So I guess the key is to just play as few hands as possible in order to satisfy your gambling entertainment fix. I do the following in order to try to satisfy both (i.e. play enough of a game where I...
  6. G

    Question on splitting faces.

    To be honest, from what I've seen I'm kinda surprised my casino is making much money off of blackjack. I'm just a BS player myself but I'd say the majority of people I play with play BS 95% correctly, and those who deviate usually deviate on almost coin-flip calls anyway (although I guess I do...
  7. G

    I can't believe this working!!! Have you tried it???

    Maybe he's also purchased a system that will tell you what system to use on a given day. That would like double your EV! :)
  8. G

    If a game is double only 9-11, can you double on soft 18/19?

    Have you tried doubling down on soft totals to see if some dealers don't know their own house rules? Couldn't hurt to try it every once and a while? I read the printed rules for the casino I play at and it clearly states that you can surrender any hand except against a dealer 10 or A. But...
  9. G

    I can't believe this working!!! Have you tried it???

    If I discovered a "secret cheating system" the last thing I'd do is tell anyone else about it; why risk alerting the casino of their bug and give them time to correct it? I'd simply use the system myself and take them for all they were worth. Kinda makes you wonder why anyone with the...
  10. G

    Percentage In Favor Of Dealer

    This idea is akin to a lesson I learned early on while playing limit texas hold'em: always make sure you have enough money on the table to cover the maximum amount of betting for the round (thus preventing an "all-in" in the limit game). Nothing like going "all-in" in limit when you've flopped...
  11. G

    Need advice.

    Others will probably have better advice, but here's my 2 cents. Are you both counting? If so, maybe only one should count while the other can act like a drunken fool and place his bets purely based on the other's bet? And then switch it up once and a while?
  12. G

    Percentage In Favor Of Dealer

    I'm not too good at math but here's my guess: you can't "guess" the length of your session (in hands) given 0.5% disadvantage playing $100 hands out of $1000 session bankroll; rather, you can only "guess" that after playing 2000 hands you'll on average have lost $1000 (and that's a guess at best...
  13. G

    CSM - Can fed in cards be dealt right away?

    That would be my guess too. If that was the case I would be able to use an advantagous count for one more round after the discarded cards are fed back into the machine, but probably only if I was playing heads up with the dealer.
  14. G

    CSM - Can fed in cards be dealt right away?

    I wasn't aware any of the articles mentioned a statistical way of calculating the queue; I only gleaned over some of the articles, I'll have to reread them when I get some time. I thought most of the articles had to do with attempting to estimate what clumps of cards were gonna show up next...
  15. G

    Question on splitting faces.

    Normally I woulda just played my hand as I usually do but I made an exception in this case and made him make the decisions for me so no blame coulda been directed my way. In the end he played my hand correctly anyways.